January 26, 2009

In the News/Random Musing: SAG Awards '09

Oh my. Boy, was I surprised to see these winners! While the supporting winners are no shock, the actors in leading roles are quite surprising! (Although I guessed most of them correctly!) And remember: most of the same voters at the SAGs vote for the Academy, too!

I always assumed that Meryl Streep would be right behind Kate Winslet for Best Actress this year, and here, the Guild awards her instead! However, since the Academy has nominated Kate Winslet's role in "The Reader" as a "leading" role, this could throw a monkey wrench into things for Miss Streep on Oscar night. Also consider that Winslet has been nominated five times at the Oscars and is still emptyhanded. The Academy might be setting this up as her year.

Meanwhile, Sean Penn surprisingly nabs the prize from the heavily-favored Mickey Rourke. This may or may not be foreshadowing for the Oscars, though... The Academy is a tricky business.

And as an example of this - finally, unless the Academy pulls a surprise like in '06 with Alan Arkin for "Little Miss Sunshine" over the already Globe- and SAG-awarded Eddie Murphy ("Dreamgirls"), then Heath Ledger will take home the Oscar.

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